Safe Nature Project
Safe Nature Project-Charoen Pokphand Group
Climate change impacts economies, societies, and environment, posing a sustainable development challenge for every country and organization. There is a shared understanding of the need to address it seriously. These involve implementing measures to reduce the risk of disasters and managing natural resources in a balanced manner. Combining these efforts with plans to enhance operational efficiency is crucial to driving sustainability.

Therefore, to align with the policy, Charoen Pokphand Group’s Crip integrated businesses, rice, transportation, and services have established the “Nature Safe Project” since 2012. This initiative aims to collaborate with community networks in the area including government agencies, educational institutions, local authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and various communities. We are all engaged in activities for the restoration and take care of the environment with a particular focus on the vital watershed areas in the northern and central regions. It is well understood that conservation efforts for natural resources and the maintenance of forest ecosystems, especially in critical watershed areas, are responsibilities that we all share and must work together.
Objective of Safe Nature Project
- To provide knowledge and raise awareness among youth include the community to live happily together with nature.
- To protect, suppress, and campaign aggressively for areas that remain intact in both local and country.
- To restore, plant, and preserve watersheds in damaged areas by planting suitable forest for that area such as planting softwood, hardwood, pricey wood, rare wood, soil-holding wood, water-absorbing wood, and wood for animal feed.
- To promote sustainable livelihoods, improve the quality of life for communities, utilizing forest areas as productive land and providing them with guidelines for livelihoods.

The operational area of the Safe Nature Project encompasses 4 provinces and 6 specific areas as follow:
Area 1, located in Chiang Mai, comprises of 2 specific zones.
Area 2, located in Nan, comprises of 2 specific zones.
Area 3, located in Uthai Thani
Area 4, located in Kamphaeng Phet

Charoen Pokphand Group adheres diligently to the philosophy of “3 Benefits” (Nation, People, and Organization) in conducting business based on principle of responsibility towards the economic system, society, and the environment. Regarding the framework for managing the impacts of climate change throughout the supply chain, the goals have been set to cover energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy, greenhouse gas reduction, risk and opportunity assessment related to climate change. Additionally, we are monitoring, measurement, and communication of the results through annual sustainability reports and various channels. Furthermore, Charoen Pokphand Group organizes many activities to raise awareness and engage in conservation and restoration efforts for natural resources and the environment. These initiatives extend to employees within the organization, business partners, and all relevant stakeholders.