Invested countries
Invested countries
The countries where we have made investments
The core values and three benefits of the Charoen Pokphand Group (CP) are focused on creating benefits for the country, the people in the country, and finally for the organization itself. There are crucial policies and guidelines for conducting business. It is aligned with taking care of farmers to improve their quality of life and ensure sustainable income.

Crop Integration Business is a crucial upstream process starting from researching and developing corn seed to suitable for each region, climate, and farmers’ cultivation practices in each country. Crop Integration Business also involves the transfer of knowledge until soil analysis and preparation, water system management, proper planting and maintenance which adapted to agronomic principles, correct fertilization practices tailored to the needs of the plants, and harvesting procedures. Additionally, innovative agricultural machinery and technology are applied to enhance efficiency and ensure high-quality production to meet the demand. Crop Integration Business has expanded to other potential countries including