• 02-764-7000

Maize/Silage Corn

CPP Maize varieties

  1. High yield group C.P.508 , C.P.639 , C.P.303, C.P.M26 Good soil quality, effective drainage, and cool

    Short-duration group C.P.389 , C.P.312 , C.P.F16, C.P.303 Accelerated crop cycle, fast harvesting, and low seed moisture conditions

    Disease-resistant group C.P.Max77  C.P.640 area affected by leaf and ear diseases.

Corn seed CP. 303

Harvest Age: Short to medium, 105-115 days
Area: Flat area, all soil types
Advantages: Adaptable, perennial, suitable for dense planting.

Corn seed CP. 389

Harvest Age: Short lived, 100-110 days

Area: Flat area

Advantages: Good seed quality, low humidity

Corn seed CP. 312

Harvest Age: Short lived, 95-105 days

Area: Flat area, Slope behind the rice field (<900 m)

Advantages: Adaptable, cool weather, perennial

Corn seed CP. F16

Harvest Age: Medium lived, 105-115 days

Area: Flat area, Behind the rice field

Advantages: Adaptable, perennial, clean ear

Corn seed CP. 639

Harvest Age: Medium lived, 110-130 days

Area: Flat area, lowland area, Behind the rice field

Advantages: Adaptable, perennial

Corn seed CP. 640

Harvest Age: Medium lived, 110-120 days

Area: Slope area, Cool weather

Advantages: Resistant to leaf diseases

Corn seed CP. 508

Harvest Age: Medium lived, 105-120 days

Area: Slope area, Cool weather

Advantages: Large ear, adaptable, perennial

Corn seed CP. M26

Harvest Age: Medium lived, 110-130 days

Area: Slope area, Behind the rice field

Advantages: perennial, long ear, nice color

Silage corn

Desirable traits of silage corn seed

Tall, sturdy stems, and large leaves

High yield both plant and ears

High nutritional

High fiber

High starch concentration

Efficiency digesting starch

Corn seed CP. MAX77

Harvest Age: Medium-long lived > 120 days

Area: Hight area, cool weather

Advantages: perennial, Resistant to leaf diseases

Corn seed CP. S8

Harvest Age: Medium-long lived > 120 days

Area: Hight area, cool weather

Advantages: perennial, Resistant to leaf diseases, Tall and towering stalks