• 02-764-7000


Single-nutrient fertilizer, C.P. Mordin Formula 21-0-0

Trade name: C.P. Mordin, Farm Pro

Brand: Look Lok Dok Bua Ban

Packaged in 50 kg.

Product Highlights: Round brown granules that dissolve easily in water. Suitable for use with seed spreaders or fertilizer sprayers. Ideal for all types of crops, especially field crops such as cassava, oil palm, and pineapple. Promotes growth in both stem and leaves, while potassium enhances flavor, aroma, and color, resulting in vibrant green plants and efficient photosynthesis.

Nutrient Content:

Total Nitrogen (TN): 21%

Sulfur (S): 23%


Can be applied to both roots and leaves. Apply when the soil is adequately moist by spreading around the base of the plant, keeping a distance of 2 m. from the trunk.


Recommended application rates:

Maize: 31 kg/Rai after the first weed control, when the corn is 20-30 days old.

Photoperiod sensitivity Rice: 20 kg/Rai at the flowering stage or 30 days before flowering.

Non-Photoperiod sensitivity Rice: 40 kg/ha at the flowering stage or 30 days before flowering.