• 02-764-7000


Single-nutrient fertilizer, C.P. Mordin Formula 0-0-60

Trade name: C.P. Mordin, Farm Pro

Brand: Look Lok Dok Bua Ban

Packaged in 50 kg.

Product Highlights: Suitable for various field crops such as cassava, maize, and sugarcane. Enhances the weight of the produce, accelerates sweetness, and boosts resistance to diseases and pests.

Nutrient Content:

Water-Soluble Potassium (WK2O): 60%


Typically applied to the soil through broadcasting or along furrows. For crops like rice use application rate of 22 kg/Rai of 18-46-0, 17 kg/Rai of 0-0-60, and 13 kg/Rai of 46-0-0 is recommended at planting, with 10 kg/Rai of 0-0-60 during the rice grain-filling stage. Can be used as a base fertilizer or in various mixed formulas.