• 02-764-7000


Compound blended chemical fertilizer B/B C.P. Mordin, formula 10-5-15

Trade name: C.P. Mordin

Brand: Look Lok Dok Bua Ban

Packaged in 50 kg.

Product Highlights: Suitable for all types of plants, promotes the growth of plants, rejuvenates soil conditions, enhances nutrient uptake efficiency in the soil, and increases overall yields. Ideal for rice and corn when used as a base fertilizer before planting. In perennial fruit trees, it stimulates growth.


Nutrient Content and Organic Matter:

Total Nitrogen (TN): 10%

Available Phosphorus (AVP): 5%

Water-Soluble Potassium (WK): 15%

Organic Matter (OM): 10-13%


Commonly used as a soil fertilizer through broadcasting or row application. Recommended for use as a base fertilizer before planting in rice and maize. For perennial fruit trees, it promotes growth.