• 02-764-7000


FarmPro Single-nutrient fertilizer, Formula 46-0-0

Trade name: FarmPro

Brand: Look Lok Dok Bua Ban

Packaged in 50 kg.

Product Highlights: Uniform and easy-to-spread fertilizer granules, excellent water solubility, complete nutrient formula suitable for all types of crops including field crops, garden plants, and rice paddies. Promotes growth and strength in both stems and leaves.

Nutrient Content:

Total Nitrogen (TN) ….. 46%

Usage Instructions:

Can be applied through both root and foliar methods.

Apply when the soil has adequate moisture.

For Maize: Apply 20-25 kg./Rai, sprinkling around the plants 25-30 days after planting.

For Photoperiod sensitivity Rice: Apply 5-10 kg./Rai, broadcasting across the field 30 days before flowering.

For Non-Photoperiod sensitivity Rice: Apply 10-15 kg./Rai, broadcasting across the main field after planting and again 35-45 days later.

For sugarcane: Apply 50-80 kg./Rai/Year, split into two applications – one month after planting and 30-60 days thereafter.

For tomatoes, watermelons, peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, garlic, potatoes, and all vegetable crops: Apply 50 kg./Rai 10-15 days after planting and another 50 kg./Rai 30-45 days later.

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