Biotechnology Laboratory
Biotechnology Laboratory

DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic acid, is a genetic material responsible for store genetic information and transmitting genetic codes. It determines the characteristic traits that can be passed from one generation to another. In biotechnology, DNA has been utilized to verify the purity of true breeding corn seed and hybrid corn. The DNA markers, specifically DNA fingerprinting has been employed in laboratories to assess the authenticity of corn seed, ensuring they exhibit the traits consistent with their genetic makeup. This process is conducted in the realm of biotechnology that serves as a genetic quality assurance and control mechanism. Additionally, DNA fingerprint database established for each corn seed to serve as a reference for confirmation in cases of seed theft or misrepresentation of corn seed.
In addition, biotechnology is also employed to enhance and select corn seed. These include methods, such as selecting corn with high water-use efficiency through tissue culture propagation. The development of molecular markers is also undertaken to select traits that confer disease resistance among other characteristics.

In addition, biotechnology is also employed to enhance and select corn seed. These include methods, such as selecting corn with high water-use efficiency through tissue culture propagation. The development of molecular markers is also undertaken to select traits that confer disease resistance among other characteristics.