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Safe nature project collaborate with agencies and the communities of Mae Pan-Sangkeang villages “create Living Stream .. Pan River, the river of life” project

On February 14, 2024, CP Group represented by Dr. Sadudee Supanpai and Mr. Nipon Muyruangsir, the executives of Safe Nature Project together with Mr. Nont Nakhasathien, the General Manager of Sustainable Development and Corporate Relations joined hands with Mae Jo University, the local administrative organization of Mae Chaem District, Rajaprajanugroh 31 School, Bodhivijjalaya college Srinakharinwirot University, and the communities of Mae Pan-Sangkeang villages to conduct the “create Living Stream .. Pan River, the river of life” activity. Over 100 students and community members participated in building semi-permanent weirs to slow down and store water from Mae Pan River for benefit of local communities. Together, they managed agricultural water use in the Mae Pan-Sangkeang community, Chang Keng Sub-district, Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai, to develop agricultural water sources, restore natural resources and ecosystems, reduce the risk of forest fires and haze, and raise awareness among the younger generation about the value of conserving and restoring natural resources.   Furthermore, the Safe Nature Project in collaboration with Mae Jo University has been supporting the development of water sources for agriculture and water distribution systems for Mae Pan-Sangkeang community since 2012 to solve the community's water scarcity issues. Previously, the community could only cultivate crops once a year. However, with the project's intervention, the community now has water for agriculture year-round that enabling them to diversify their agricultural activities. These include fruit trees (such as lychee, mango, and durian), poultry farming, pig farming, and community product processing (such as pork). This has provided a steady income for the community. Moreover, the project has supported the establishment of the "Mae Pan-Sangkeang Safe Nature Agricultural Community Enterprise Group" to further develop businesses that are suitable for the community's way of life. Currently, the group has 164 households as members. In the latest financial report for 2023, the group achieved a net profit of 1.94 million baht.    In addition to the Safe Nature Project implemented in Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai, CP Group, through Sustainable Development and Corporate Relations division has collaborated with government agencies and local networks to promote sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly alternative crops instead of monoculture. This aims to ensure steady income for communities. These initiatives include:
  1. Community Coffee Research Center Project in Kongkai Village.
  2. Social Enterprise Development Project in Mae Chaem.
  3. Sustainable Agriculture Model Development Project in Mae Wak 
  1. Bamboo City Project in Mae Chaem.
  All of these initiatives are part of CP Group commitment to working alongside with government and local networks to promote mixed farming practices or environmentally friendly alternative crops instead of single-crop cultivation. This aligns with the company's policy of not purchasing or importing maize products from deforested areas or areas affected by burning. This policy is at the core of CP Group traceability system.