• 02-764-7000


Chemical mixed fertilizer B/B C.P. Mordin Formula 25-5-18 +2S

Trade name: C.P. Mordin

Brand: Look Lok Dok Bua Ban

Packaged in 50 kg.

Product Highlights: Suitable for all types of crops, especially for field crops such as sugarcane. Promotes tillering, enhances root system fertility, improves crop quality, and increases sweetness in crops like sugarcane, oil palm, and tuber crops.

Nutrient Content:

Total Nitrogen (TN): 25%

Available Phosphorus (AVP): 5%

Water-Soluble Potassium (WK): 18%

Sulfur (S): 2%

Usage: Typically applied to the soil through broadcasting or along furrows. Can be used with seed drills and fertilizer spreaders.