
C.P.Rice 888
Rice Variety Characteristics
Gor Kor 10 x SakonNakhon
Sticky rice, shade tolerant, suitable for year-round cultivation.
Semi-compact plant type, sturdy stem, panicle neck height: 90-120 cm.
Harvest age: 110-130 days.
Aromatic, soft, long grains.
Average panicle length: approximately 28 cm.
1000 grain weight: 28 grams.
Distinctive features: High yield, non-lodging, long and aromatic grains.
Common diseases:
Brown planthopper (nymph stage): Use chemicals like thiamethoxam.
Sheath blight, brown spot disease: Use chemicals like tricyclazole.
Leaf folder: Use chemicals like fipronil/emamectin benzoate.
Stem borers (from tillering to heading stage): Use chemicals like chlorantraniliprole+thiamethoxam.
Kernel smut (heading stage): Use chemicals like difenoconazole+azoxystrobin.
Neck blast (heading stage): Use chemicals like difenoconazole+propiconazole.
Precautions: Susceptible to fungal infections during the early rice season, leading to kernel smut. Avoid flowering during high temperatures, which can reduce flower retention by 50%.
Average yield for the Year 2566 in-season rice: 1,098 kg per Rai.